Re: shell -> xacto (istället för oyster)

Björn Grönvall bjorngx at
Sun Aug 17 20:27:43 CEST 2014

>> Om det är så lätt att sätta upp kan man kanske göra en till med
>> OpenVPN server? Det vore trevligt att kunna ta sig till KTH genom
>> jobbets brinnande vägg.
> Du kommer ut mha. OpenVPN? ... eller tänker du att vi kör den på en icke-standard port som t.ex. 443? :)
> Själv brukar jag bara se till att OpenSSH kör på 443 med, funkar fint :)
> Vad säger folk?
> // nsg

det verkar som om OpenVPN standardmässigt använder sig av 443.

saxat från

Which ports does OpenVPN Access Server use?

Short answer: TCP 443, TCP 943, UDP 1194
Long answer: By default OpenVPN Access Server has 2 OpenVPN daemons running. One of them on UDP port 1194 and another on TCP 443. We recommend that you use the UDP port because this functions better for an OpenVPN tunnel. However, many public locations block all sorts of ports except very common ones like http, https, ftp, pop3, and so on. Therefore we also have TCP 443 as an option. TCP port 443 is the default port for https:// (SSL) traffic and so this is usually allowed through at the user's location.
TCP port 943 is the port where the web server interface is listening by default. You can either approach this directly using a URL like https://yourserverhostnamehere:943/ or by approaching it through the standard https:// port TCP 443, since the OpenVPN daemon will automatically internally route browser traffic to TCP 943 by default. (https://yourserverhostnamehere/).


Björn Grönvall, bjorngx at, Cell +46 70 768 06 35, Jabber/XMPP: bg at

“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

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