nnpfs/xfs_message.h documentation

Tomas Olsson tol at stacken.kth.se
Wed Jun 21 09:50:06 CEST 2006

Kristaps Johnson <kristaps at gradient-enterprises.com> writes:

> Hello everybody.  Does anybody know of API documentation for the 
> nnpfs_message/attr.h (xfs_*.h on some unices) files?
Not really.  In arla/doc/nnpfs.txt there's are slightly outdated
descriptions of the messages.  There's also a dot file describing the
various states that nodes can be in in Arla:
And 'The life of a file' in arla.info for an overview.

Often there are details in these docs that aren't valid any more, and some
omissions.  Please let me know what you find, nagging actually does help :)

> I'm implementing the xfs char-device with a non-arla superstructure.
Nice.  As always, I'm very curious about such things.  How much can you
tell us?

> Thusfar the arlad code itself has provided a clean resource but I'd like
> to be certain about some structures and valid values.
Well, you should trust the code more than docs...  Since nnpfs is meant to
be generic everything should be in the common nnpfs includes.  Any
omissions should be corrected.  

> does struct nnpfs_handle always correspond with cell, volume, vnode and
> unique?
In arlad, yes.  In nnpfs it can be anything your daemon wants it to be.
It's just a 128 bit node id.  In Keso (filesystem on top of a distributed
hash table) they used the file's hash (sort of).

I'm sure there are more things that need clarification; just ask.

/t (wants a lib that isolates daemon writers from nnpfs details)

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