aklog on OSX 10.1

Sandor W. Sklar ssklar at stanford.edu
Wed Oct 17 00:43:27 CEST 2001

At 4:36 PM -0500 10/16/01, Thomas Jordan wrote:

>You (and others on the list) may be interested to know that the MIT 
>gui worked fine when I added the correct 
>/Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos file. The command line 
>Kerberos did not work until I added the correct /etc/krb.conf file. 
>Now I can get Kerberos tickets from either the command line _or_ the 
>MIT gui application. Destroying them in one place (i.e., cli), 
>destroys them in the other (i.e, gui) as well.

Sounds like you might have an issue ... I only have the 
"/Library/Preferences/..." file, and I get proper GUI and CLI 

Are you sure that you're running the "kinit" from KfM, and not one 
earlier in your path?  (perhaps /usr/athena/bin/kinit, or wherever 
KTH-KRB installs?)

sandor w. sklar                |    Non impediti
unix systems administrator     |         ratione
stanford university itss-css   |    cogitationis

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