arla-0.33 wedges NetBSD-1.4.1 machines

Love lha at
Fri Jul 14 10:11:54 CEST 2000

"Dr. Lex Wennmacher" <wennmach at geo.Uni-Koeln.DE> writes:

> On Jul 14,  9:52am, Love wrote:
> > > The machine wedged around 17:23 and was rebooted 17:28. The log starts
> > > with the first messages from arlad. I hope you can see something from the
> > > system log, it's kind of longish.
> >
> > The log seems incomplete, there is some missing entries. When your computer
> > hangs, do you have any chance break into ddb or generating a crash dump ?
> What entries are missing and when?

Like xfs_alloc messages are not contiguous, there are spaces. And "worker
N: processing" without correspoding "worker N: done".

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