
Love lha at
Wed Jan 26 12:32:19 CET 2000

Camelia Botez <camelia at> writes:

> I installed arla on my linux.
> The "ThisCell" file from /usr/arla/etc  is ""
> and the "CellServDB" contains:

Should it be "" in ThisCell or is it just a typo ?

> >
> On my linux I created an user-ID that has also the same user-ID on
> and I use his password from cern.
> I initialized a kerberos ticket on my linux for this user and I tried to
> run under his ID arlad -t.
> What I get instead of /afs mount points is:
> arlad:getting ticket for't get inter-realm ticket granting
> (get_ad_tkt)
> arlad:open 00/01:Permission denied.

Arlad -t means that you should run arlad in test-mode, and you have to that
as root since it uses /usr/arla/cache for the cachefiles, and that
directory is usually owned by root.

If you what things to appear under /afs you must not run it in test mode.
Please try to run the startarla script in /usr/arla/bin/startarla. It might
do what you want to do. Otherwise there is detailed installation help in
the INSTALL file the tar file.

> I understood that running arlad under a user-ID with a Cell formed by
> computers running afs will mount automaticaly under /afs his directories.
> So , what I'm doing wrong or what shall I do next ?

It will mount the whole afs space under /afs. If you login to your cern
computer and the type ``/bin/pwd'' you'll probably find out where in afs
your home-directory is. You might also ask your sysadmin at cern.


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