FreeBSD 4.0/AXP

Assar Westerlund assar at
Sat Apr 22 20:13:06 CEST 2000

Todd Cohen <cohentl at> writes:
> lizard# ./startarla
> link_elf: symbol __cursig undefined

I'm not sure where the reference to __cursig (or CURSIG) for that
matter comes from.  But, can you tell me exactly what compiler options
are being used for compiling the files in `xfs/bsd'?  If there's no
`-O' (or the optimization level is not high enough), can you try
setting CFLAGS to a sufficient -O level and see if that helps?

Since __cursig is `extern __inline', you'll loose if you call it and
the compiler does not manage to inline it.  See the PR kern/17614.


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