Pb xfs on linux 2.3.99-pre3

Jean-Paul Le Fevre J-P.LeFevre at cea.fr
Wed Apr 12 11:45:41 CEST 2000


I'm trying to install arla 0.32 on my new Linux box wich runs
the last kernel 2.3.99-pre3 (I must have this kernel because it provides
a new driver which is needed by XFree)

I found a problem during the compilation :

In file arla-0.32/xfs/linux/xfs_message.c line 258 the statement :
dentry = open_namei(message->cache_name, 3, 0);
is rejected by the compiler.

In the header file /usr/include/linux/fs.h the declarations are the following :
extern struct dentry * __open_namei(const char *, int, int, struct dentry *);

static inline struct dentry * open_namei(const char *pathname)
	return __open_namei(pathname, 0, 0, NULL);

I changed the call to open_namei() by a call to __open_namei with NULL
as the last argument. I successfully built the package.

But when arla is started, the messages are :

Loading xfs kernel module: /opt/arla/bin/xfs.o: unresolved symbol read_exec
/opt/arla/bin/xfs.o: unresolved symbol open_dentry

Under Linux 2.2.12 I found that read_exec and open_dentry are declared
in linux/binfmts.h but not in the version 2.3.99-pre3.

Is there anything I can do ?


Jean-Paul Le Fèvre * CEA Saclay DAPNIA/SEI * Mail : Jean-Paul.LeFevre at cea.fr

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