whining about roken.h

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz+ at cmu.edu
Wed Jul 7 23:45:20 CEST 1999

On Wednesday, July 07, 1999, 10:39 PM +0200 Assar Westerlund
<assar at sics.se> wrote:
> As Johan already said, the roken being used in krb4/heimdal does
> exactly this for exactly the reasons you said.  And it's mostly my
> fault that these features haven't been merged in Arla's roken.  I've
> been working on merging the different strains of roken, but the real
> plan looks something like:
> a. do a separate roken distribution (with its own version number)
> b. include it in the required programs
> c. have configure check for an existing roken and if it's of the
>    required version.  otherwise, build the included roken and install it.

Yes; that sounds entirely reasonable.  I'm also considering putting
together a separate distribution containing lwp, rx, dx, and the various
support things they need.  Obviously I can't usefully include rxkad, but
perhaps if I put together a coherent distribution then KTH will pick it up,
add rxkad, and distribute and maintain it...

-- Jeff

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