whining about roken.h

Assar Westerlund assar at sics.se
Wed Jul 7 22:39:29 CEST 1999

Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz+ at cmu.edu> writes:
> Recently, due mostly to Derrick's nagging, I've picked up the project
> again.

I should probably also nag you. :-)

> Last night, I pulled down the arla-0.25 distribution, and
> (re)discovered that roken.h and libroken.a do not get installed by
> default, and worse, that the former contains many references to
> preprocessor symbols defined by configure, which might not be
> available to a program wishing to use the library.

As Johan already said, the roken being used in krb4/heimdal does
exactly this for exactly the reasons you said.  And it's mostly my
fault that these features haven't been merged in Arla's roken.  I've
been working on merging the different strains of roken, but the real
plan looks something like:

a. do a separate roken distribution (with its own version number)
b. include it in the required programs
c. have configure check for an existing roken and if it's of the
   required version.  otherwise, build the included roken and install it.

How does that sound?


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