Arla Re: Developers needed: hooks for GNU Queue.

Werner Krebs werner.krebs at
Tue Jan 5 06:01:37 CET 1999

Yes, this is exactly what we are looking for.

The only issue is encryption; GNU Queue does not currently have hooks
for a secure socket library (although support is planned).

Does Arla provide any kind of encryption facilities (e.g., Kerberos,
etc.) to support this?

The only other issues would be determining which token(s) to send (all
of them, preferably) and quickly determining whether or not alra
is running on a client (so that the same binary can decide whether or
not it wants to accept incoming arla tokens and alert the other end
during negotiation when alra is not supported.)  


Werner Krebs,
GNU Queue Maintainer, .

Magnus Ahltorp wrote:
> > In any event, we'd appreciate your interest and support for the Queue
> > project. In particular, we'd like developers with Alra (or AFS or
> > other global filesystem) experience to help write authentication-passing
> > hooks for Queue.
> There is a pioctl call in arla named VIOCGETTOK that can be used to
> retrieve an authentication token from arla. This can be transferred
> over the network (preferrably encrypted first) and then inserted into
> arla on the other side with VIOCSETTOK.
> Are there other hooks that you are looking for, or will this do?
> /Magnus
> map at

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