and Netscape

Dave Morrison dave at
Wed Aug 5 16:04:03 CEST 1998

Dear arla-drinkers,

I'm not absolutely sure this issue is the concern of the folks who read this
list, but here goes - if I install in /lib and edit a la
the suggestion in the arla INSTALL docs, I get the very nice effect of being
able to `pwd' when navigating AFS space.  However, having done this, netscape
gives me a bus error on startup and dies.  If I then remove the line
`/lib/' from, netscape starts up just fine (but of course
then `pwd' can't find the current directory when dealing with AFS).  

I'm using the beta of netscape 4.5 under Linux (kernel 2.1.111), but I believe I
saw the very same behavior with netscape 4.05.  Does anyone else see this
behavior?  I'm perfectly willing to believe it's a problem with netscape and
will echo this note to those folks if it seems appropriate.


David Morrison  Brookhaven National Laboratory  phone: 516-344-5840
                Physics Department, Bldg 510 C    fax: 516-344-3253
		          Upton, NY 11973-5000  email: dave at

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