and Netscape

Magnus Ahltorp map at
Wed Aug 5 17:13:07 CEST 1998

> I'm not absolutely sure this issue is the concern of the folks who
> read this list, but here goes - if I install in /lib and
> edit a la the suggestion in the arla INSTALL docs, I
> get the very nice effect of being able to `pwd' when navigating AFS
> space.  However, having done this, netscape gives me a bus error on
> startup and dies.

This is a known problem. I have tried to locate the problem, but it
seems that netscape never does a call to getcwd (this should show up
in an strace dump), so it's even more strange.

The source for is so very short and in my eyes it's correct,
but I'm not willing to stand up and say that "it is Netscape's fault"
until I have more confidence in the getcwd code. It is probably
Netscape's fault as their binaries have been known to do the strangest
things. If you could look into the matter a little more deeply I would
be pleased, but it's not something that I care a lot about.

map at

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