membership and programmers

Kat Newman kat at
Sun Mar 5 10:14:04 CET 2006

Hi, I am already a member of stacken and have been for years. I paid for 
my membership this past Friday through Sparbanken a bit late and now I 
noticed that my account was locked. Can someone please reinstate it? If 
there are any unemployed programmers in the club please have them 
contact me. The company I am working for is looking for some. They must 
be willing to use MS.

Thanks, Kathleen
073 4444 991

*Name:* Kathleen A. T. Newman

*Email2:* xymox at

*Snailmail:* xymox at

*Phone:* 08 544 71 444

*Occupataion:* Technical Writer

*PreferredName:* xymox at


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