Looking for AFS Information

Tomas Olsson tol at kth.se
Mon Aug 22 23:05:44 CEST 2011

Ana Morales writes:
> Is this a project that still active at your university?
I'm afraid Arla isn't actively maintained nowadays.

> I am trying to find out if there are any vendors (or open source) that have taken  AFS and make it a product.
Take a look at http://openafs.org/
OpenAFS is based on the IBM/Transarc code and it is well maintained. They provide a list of companies that provide commercial support.

There is also an AFS client included in the standard Linux kernel if that's of any interest.

> access to global data (flat files) efficiently in an optimized way, in real time; the clients can be sitting in multiple geographic locations.
AFS is good at handling distributed reading of files that are not modified too much concurrently. It's probably not the fastest file system out there, but it's mature and OpenAFS supports a wide range of operating systems.


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