4GB read limit with 0.42 and NetBSD 3.0/i386

Harald Barth haba at pdc.kth.se
Tue May 23 19:26:28 CEST 2006

I just want to confirm this bug. I think all platforms that are 32-bit
and want to use files >4GB are affected (*). The problem is that
mmap() is used internally in arlad to copy from rx to the file
descriptor. There is ancient code in arlad to use read() and write()
to do these copies instead, but as configure --without-mmap is not
used nor tested normally, this code is "something to start to debug"
at best.

Block caching is forthcoming in Arla and it might be the right thing
just to wait for that (it is not long away I'm told). Maybe the folks
actually writing the code can comment on that.


(*) Bigfile support in Arla was written on 64-bit Linux (emt64).

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