Arla 0.42-RC2

Tomas Olsson tol at
Wed Mar 29 17:15:00 CEST 2006

it's time for a release again, with universal binaries for the mac users,
support for modern linux, etc. I've prepared a 0.42-RC2, and I hope you all
will stress it as much as you can to help us get the last bugs out before
we roll a final 0.42.

One interesting thing to try out is rename() (as in 'mv') between AFS
volumes. Arla now helps out by doing a copy + remove, since Finder
doesn't. Currently only works within the same cell, but it should handle
mountpoints and various kinds of links properly.

And of course, build environment, high stress operations, and parallel
things need testing. The tests/run-tests script exercises a lot of this.


MacOS X Tiger Universal binary installer:

Please reply with any and all results you get.


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