Arla, Mac OS X 10.2.6 Finder

Harald Barth haba at
Fri Sep 12 18:01:55 CEST 2003

This is because the finder tries to interpret the result of
stat() instead of using access(). You can work around by
maching your uid and your pts id or by chaning the 
permission bits (with chmod) that do not matter in AFS.

> Is there a cure?

There is a workaround but the cure is in changing the Finder and as I
understood from people who actually talked to folks at Apple, the
Finder devellopers didn't want to change it because "it is not a bug
if you use our file system and it is faster". I think this is a silly
argument because it breaks the file system API. It is OK to do so in
your own backyard, but if you leave your own backyard (AFS, NFS) you
should stick to the rules.

If you are annoyed by the Finder's behaviour and you have support on
MacOS, I'd suggest you give Apple a bug report, so they have something
to think about ;-)


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