Stale NFS file handle

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at
Wed Jan 15 23:50:23 CET 2003

Hello again,

two threads on my first day on the list; hope I'm not too noisy :)

I have run into the "stale NFS file handle" problem that some other
people seem to have been getting, based on the Google results.

At first, doing an ls in /afs just took a lot of time as arla tried to
contact each cell, failing and waiting for the timeout. After awhile, I
started getting the "Stale NFS file handle" message instead.

But I noticed that I was still able to access individual cells by name
(such as /afs/ Then, coming back to arla now, I am
getting the very same message trying to access /afs/

The only way to get rid of it seems to be to reboot; arlad won't
shutdown because /afs is still mounted. It won't unmount because it's
being accessed by something; fuser -km /afs does not help.

I should note that I lied to arla, telling it I was in the cell (in the absence of a local cell). Doing such a thing
seems to get both arla and the OpenAFS Windows client going; and I
assume no harm is done by it, other than perhaps causing this problem on
my end?

Is the reason for the stale-nfs-file-handle problem known? I could not
find anything conclusive with Google. And why on earch is the word "NFS"
even involved? :)

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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