... and more arla on MacOS X 10.2

Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor] sperber at informatik.uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Sep 30 09:41:25 CEST 2002

>>>>> "lxs" == Alexandra Ellwood <lxs at mit.edu> writes:

>>  >>>>> "lxs" == Alexandra Ellwood <lxs at mit.edu> writes:
lxs> >
lxs> >lxs> >The Kerberos tools that come with MacOS X all seem to be Kerberos 5.
lxs> >
lxs> >lxs> The Kerberos for Macintosh which ships with Mac OS X 10.1 and 10.2 has
lxs> >lxs> support for both Kerberos 4 and Kerberos 5.  However, Kerberos for
lxs> >lxs> Macintosh uses a unified configuration file format for both Kerberos 4
lxs> >lxs> and 5.  You can find documentation for setting up the configuration
lxs> >lxs> file here:
>> lxs>
>> <http://web.mit.edu/macdev/Development/MITKerberos/Common/Documentation/preferences.html>
lxs> >
lxs> >That does the trick, thanks!
lxs> >
lxs> >Could this hint be included somewhere in the documentation?  It's
lxs> >impossible to figure out just from the man pages (at least for me).

lxs> Unfortunately, most of our documentation is on the web and not
lxs> included in Mac OS X 10.2, and we can't fix that for at least a year
lxs> (until the next OS release, whenever that is).  Eventually we would
lxs> like to solve this problem with a GUI tool to configure Kerberos for
lxs> Macintosh.  Then the user would be shielded entirely from the
lxs> configuration file location and format.

Right.  But for now, a note in the arla distribution would do a lot of

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla

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