aklog on OSX.2

Magnus Ahltorp ahltorp at nada.kth.se
Sun Oct 13 12:44:15 CEST 2002

> I just install the package...Am I doing something wrong or is this not
> meant to be working just yet?

If you are using the 0.35.10 Mac OS X 10.2 package from our web site,
then it's not supposed to be working with the MIT kerberos that comes
with Mac OS X 10.2. Please use the KTH-krb kauth utility to get
tickets and tokens.

This aklog can get you tokens, but only if you have a kerberos ticket
file. MIT Kerberos for Macintosh doesn't use ticket files, it stores
its tickets in a CCacheServer.

You could use arla's aklog to get tokens from MIT Kerberos for
Macintosh, but then you have to compile arla with libkrbafs yourself.

There is a binary KTH-krb 1.2 package at

Just do a "cd / && sudo tar zxf <tarfile>" to install.


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