Problems running arla on mac

RD Schaffer R.D.Schaffer at
Fri Dec 13 11:32:38 CET 2002

Hi there,

   I have been fairly frustrated getting arla to run on my mac.

Some background: I have been running fine with OpenAFS. That is until I 
discovered that OpenAFS has problems compiling files on afs with gcc - 
the compiler runs off the end of the files and complains about unknown 

I have recently downloaded the arla-0.35.11 binaries. They install 
fine. When I start ArlaConfiguration I do get a warning box: "The 
program you are using needs to use a system file that may reduce the 
security of your computer" and refers to "xfs.kext" It says I should 
contact the provider and get a new version. I have the options to "use" 
or "fix and use". I have tried both. This does start the afs deamon 
alright. I have set up for two cells I use and changed ThisCell.

Now to get a token, I see in /usr/arla/bin only aklog. There used to be 
a kalog with arla-0.35.10, but not with this new version. aklog doesn't 
work for me, e.g.

[mac-88165] bin % ./aklog  schaffer at
./aklog: Couldn't get AFS ID for schaffer at       
@schaffer at, using 501 from /etc/passwd
./aklog: Failed getting tokens for cell schaffer at
[mac-88165] bin % ./aklog  -cell
./aklog: Failed getting tokens for cell

I can get a token using klog from OpenAFS:

[mac-88165] bin % klog schaffer at
[mac-88165] bin % ./tokens

Tokens held by Arla:

User's (AFS ID 3176) tokens for afs at [Expires Dec 14 12:28]
    --End of list--

So this looks fine. Now my problem is that I don't seem to be able to 
cd into the afs directories. For example:

[mac-88165] ~ % cd /afs/

[mac-88165] % ls
afs     asis    chorus  compass eng     jetset  na38    na49    nomad   
project rd44    sw      user    wa98
aleph   atlas   cms     cplear  exp     l3      na44    na50    opal    
ps205   rd45    system  usr
alice   chic    common  delphi  group   lhcb    na48    na60    phys    
pttools spy     ubackup

[mac-88165] % cd atlas
cd: network is down: atlas

So I can ls the dirs under but I cannot go further when I know 
that I have the correct authority to do so.

Note that I have also run the repair disk permissions in disk utility, 
but no help.

Any help would be appreciated. I have had Arla working fine. I had 
other problems loading arla on top of OpenAFS. But I had to rm /afs and 
/Network/afs and use kalog and things worked fine. I then downloaded 
the new version .11 and I got into this state.

		see you, RD Schaffer

Email:    R.D.Schaffer at
Address:  LAL BAT 200        tel(Orsay): 33-1 64 46 8378
                   BP 34                     tel(cern) : 41-22 76 71267
                  91898 ORSAY

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