Arla 0.35.10 pre2 builds on OSX 10.2!

Magnus Ahltorp ahltorp at
Sat Aug 31 01:13:55 CEST 2002

> 1.) Curiously neither /usr/arla/bin/klog or /usr/arla/bin/aklog work:
>     [d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/bin] jordant% ./klog
>     jordant at's Password:
>     Abort    
>     [d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/bin] jordant%
> and:
>     [d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/bin] jordant% ./aklog
>     ./aklog: Failed getting tokens for cell
>     [d-5810-lss:/usr/arla/bin] jordant%

We use afslog from the kth-krb/heimdal distribution. klog and aklog
are only included because some people wanted them and wrote them, not
because they work.

> 2.) I cannot tell if the config gui is new or the one left over from my
> earlier arla which worked on < OSX10.2. Regardless, the file now in
> /Applications/Arla does not work. I can launch it but can't authenticate
> within it to enable the gui controls.

make install only installs things in /usr/arla, or whatever your
$PREFIX is. It never installs anything in /Applications. The binary
Mac OS X package does do that, and it also installs a StartupItem. If
you want to run the configuration utility, open /usr/arla/bin in the
finder and double-cklick it there.

> 3.) As such, I cannot see afs in the finder. This is less of an issue for me
> but I may be doing something stupid so I point it out for others to correct.

This is because you must run "disktool -r" when you have mounted
things "behind Finder's back"(really it isn't the finder, it's Disk
Arbitration). If you run the GUI, it will take care of that for you.

If you want to build a binary package, you can run
" /usr/arla <destdir>" from the appl/mac directory.
This is what I use to build packages. It is not part of the release
engineering, so it may not work.


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