Arla 0.35.10 pre2 builds on OSX 10.2!

Massimo Marino Massimo_Marino at
Fri Aug 30 23:10:01 CEST 2002

Concerning the GUI, using instead:

/arla-0.35.10pre2/appl/mac/Arla_Configuration/arlaconf &

the GUI starts and it is the new one. Identification and start of Arla 
works ok. I do not have an icon though on the dock.

I configured to show up on /afs my two cells. I got them fine but klog 
does not work (Aborts) and kalog still gives me this problem of 
multiple definitions:

Getting ticket for marino at
dyld: kalog multiple definitions of symbol _localtime_r
kalog definition of _localtime_r
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib(localtime.So) definition of _localtime_r
Trace/BPT trap

Massimo Marino
NERSC Division - HPC Department
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
On leave at CERN, CH, EP Division, Atlas experiment
phone: (+41) 22 767-1288 fax: (+41) 22 767-8350 Office: 40-3-D16
alternate email: marino at, marino at, 
Massimo.Marino at

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