
Love lha at stacken.kth.se
Thu Aug 15 04:50:04 CEST 2002


Time for a new arla release

(aka /afs/stacken.kth.se/ftp/pub/arla/arla-0.35.9.tar.gz).

We urge everyone to upgrade, there are two security problems with
0.35.8 and earlier. 

First is the xdr bug that we had done the same misstake as SUN. This
problem only is a problem for the administrative client vos. Arlad do NOT
have this problem.

The second problem is that xfs failes to do check negative number in pioctl
interface. This will corrupt the kernel stack and make the kernel panic.

Changes in release 0.35.9

* Support *BSD,linux/sparc64 (only tested on NetBSD)

* Do locking locally on FreeBSD and NetBSD

* Support for FreeBSD 4.6

* Added themis

* Fixes rename open file problem

* Bug fixes

Binary release can be found for MacOS X Version 10.1.5. and FreeBSD
4.6/i386 in the directory:

(aka /afs/stacken.kth.se/ftp/pub/arla/binaries/0.35.9/).

Next release will contain support for MacOS X Version 10.2

Love, and the rest of the arla drinkers.

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