Cannot write files

Peter Nillius nillius at
Tue Sep 25 16:31:34 CEST 2001

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Harald Barth wrote:

> > I am using versions arla-current-20010909
> That version (as the name may suggest) is not a stable version and any
> errors are an invitation for debugging. Can you repeat the error in an
> easy way? What linux version (dist and kernel) are you using? For a
> more stable world, try the 0.35 verions instead. Either the latest
> release arla-0.35.5.tar.gz or the release candidate
> snap/arla-0.35.6pre7.tar.gz.

I have know installed arla-0.35.5 and the same problem still occurs.

It is very easy to repeat the error. Any writing on the AFS-volume
hangs. E.g.
> cat > /afs/<dir>/test.txt
Testing testin.
> cp /afs/<dir>/file1 /afs/<dir>/file2
Both commands get stuck (cat at [Ctrl-D]). An empty file is created
nothing is ever written to it.
When the command is stuck on write, you can still access the
afs-volume from another shell.

The linux dist. I have is Redhat 7.1, kernel 2.4.2-2.

I also ran arlad with debug flags and got the following output when
doing the cat-command above.

>/usr/arla/libexec/arlad -n -z --debug=almost-all

[cat > test (inf afs-dir)]
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: worker 0: processing
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: Rec message: opcode = 15 (create), size =
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: create (219.536986405.1.1) "test"
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: trying to fetch status: 0
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: Multi-send: opcode = 9 (installdata),
size = 488
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: Multi-send: opcode = 5 (installnode),
size = 416
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: Multi-send: opcode = 9 (installdata),
size = 488
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: multi-sending wakeup: seq = 1565, error =
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: worker 0: done
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: worker 0 waiting
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: worker 0: processing
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: Rec message: opcode = 13 (put_data), size
= 96
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: putdata (219.536986405.14866.656973)
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: sending wakeup: seq = 1566, error = 0
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: Send message: opcode = 1 (wakeup), size =
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: worker 0: done
2001-09-25 16:25:03: arlad: worker 0 waiting

[Some text and Ctrl-D]

[after some delay]
2001-09-25 16:25:19: arlad: probe (
2001-09-25 16:25:26: arlad: callback (
2001-09-25 16:25:26: arlad: callback from unknown host:
2001-09-25 16:25:26: arlad: -1: (537055506, 1, 1)

Any ideas?

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