Bad interaction in MacOS X

Magnus Ahltorp ahltorp at
Tue May 8 09:21:19 CEST 2001

> >I have noticed this also. From what I have seen, something in this
> >"optimizing" step traverses /afs. I don't know what it does, but I
> >waited, and it did complete some minutes later.
> I got tired of waiting after 15 minutes or so.  Went home.  Things
> looked unchanged the next morning so I pulled the plug.

Probably, you have more sites in /afs than we had on the machines I
tested this on.

The upcoming 0.35.4 will have support for choosing which cells you
want to see in /afs, and the binary release for Mac OS X will include
a graphical configuration program that allows any user (that is an
administrator of his/her machine) to choose that. We are aiming for a
grandmother compatible installation.

Other than that, I cannot think of a solution which does not involve
Apple fixing the problem (or telling us how we can avoid it).


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