0.35.5 still loses updates

Nickolai Zeldovich kolya at mit.edu
Wed Aug 15 18:16:37 CEST 2001

> 0.35.5 still occasionally gets into a state where it doesn't see
> updates to files made on other clients, in particular mail spools.
> Once it gets that way about a file, it seems to stay that way, i.e. it
> also doesn't note subsequent updates.

It sounds sort-of like the mmap bug I ran into a while ago[*] that
appears to be still there..  You could probably work around by using
"fs flushv".  Try reading the file using read() and mmap() -- e.g.
by "cat file" and "cp file /tmp/q ; cat /tmp/q" -- are the results

-- kolya

[*]  /afs/zepa.net/user/kolya/arla/mmap-bug/test.sh

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