Arla/Kerberos tokens troubles

Josh Pieper josh at
Tue Apr 17 01:20:24 CEST 2001

[ mailinglist moderator: sorry, but this mail got stuck in my forgotten
  majordomo bounce folder /Love ]


I don't know if this is the right forum for my question.  If not, could
someone please refer me to the proper place.

I have used Arla happily for quite some time now, in the UMR.EDU domain. 
A while ago our computing services department changed something in the
configuration and I am now having difficulties.  They will not give me
technical support.

I have no problems starting arla, mounting the afs filesystem, or accessing
files.  What the issue is keeping my afs token.  I can get it no problem, but
it seems to disappear as soon as I access the filesystem in any way with no

Sample Log:

>josh at zaphod:~$ klog jjp
>jjp at's Password:
>josh at zaphod:~$ tokens                   
>Tokens held by Arla:
>User's (AFS ID 25420) tokens for afs at [Expires May 10 13:50]
>   --End of list--
>josh at zaphod:~$ cd /afs/
>josh at zaphod:/afs/$ touch b
>touch: creating ': Permission denied
>josh at zaphod:/afs/$ tokens
>Tokens held by Arla:
>   --End of list--

Does anyone here know what this is a symptom of?  Is it a problem with my
kerberos configuration, my arla configuration?

My os:

>josh at zaphod:/usr/arla/etc$ uname -a
>Linux zaphod 2.4.1 #1 SMP Tue Feb 13 23:24:38 CST 2001 i686 unknown

If you need more information, config files, or anything else, I would be glad
to help.

Josh Pieper

One good suit is worth a thousand resumes.

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