failure of rpm build

Faheem Mitha faheem at
Thu Sep 21 05:02:03 CEST 2000

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> > Can you test it from the cvs-tree ?
> Er, I'm sorry to be displaying my ignorance like this, but I took a look
> at the source tree on the web page, and got a litle lost. Each file seems
> to be listed seperately! Can you tell me what I need to do to get the
> updated tar.gz file? Or better still, send me the source (which I assumed
> is what you changed). I know nothing about CVS, and while I am very
> willing to learn, sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by all the
> technicalities.
> I tried the command listed on the web page ( cvs -R -d
> /afs/ checkout arla ), and cvs spat at
> me, saying there was not option -R (maybe I have an outdated version of
> cvs).

Ok, I noticed there was another command

env CVS_RSH=ssh \
cvs -d anoncvs at checkout arla

and this one worked. It downloaded the arla source directory. Still don't
know anything about CVS, though.

However, this did not include the configure file (don't quite understand
that). Tried to create a configure file used autoconf (another program I
know nothing about), and it was a miserable failure.

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here. I guess I could just transfer the
spec file and the xfs/linux/bin/ file to an old source tree if
those are all that have changed, but I am not too enthusiastic about doing
this, since it might break something else. Would some kind person perhaps
send me the source with the configure file included?

                                 Best regards, Faheem Mitha.

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