arla + smp problems

Chris Wing wingc at
Wed Oct 25 19:21:34 CEST 2000


You need to compile Arla using the correct kernel headers. Basically,
there is a header file auto-generated during the process of building the
Linux kernel that contains information about the configuration of the
kernel. Since you can have more than one kernel binary installed on a
machine but only one source tree in /usr/src/linux, there is some
ambiguity as to which kernel binary this source tree corresponds to.

RedHat 6.1 and above are a bit clever about this; look at the file
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/autoconf.h to see what is going on.

The end result is that you _should_ be able to compile Arla correctly if
you boot to the SMP kernel before compiling it; alternately, I think that
you should be able to override the autoconf.h file's sense of what kernel
you have by compiling Arla with the additional compiler flag


but I haven't tested that.

-Chris Wing
wingc at

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Matt Piechota wrote:

> I'm having a bit of trouble making arla work on my smp machine.  I'm
> running RedHat Linux 6.2.  I've verified this problem with a cleanly
> installed 6.2 machine.  If I'm using the non-smp kernel (from the cd),
> arla works.  But if I use the smp kernel (even on a single processor
> machine), I get:
> strange-ways:/usr/arla/bin# insmod xfs.o 
> xfs.o: unresolved symbol best_memcpy
> xfs.o: unresolved symbol best_memset
> xfs.o: unresolved symbol best_copy_to_user
> xfs.o: unresolved symbol best_copy_from_user
> strange-ways:/usr/arla/bin# 
> But the symbols seem to be there:
> strange-ways:/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0smp# ksyms -a | grep best_
> c01dc624  best_memcpy_Rsmpa0b82c11        
> c01dc6d7  best_memset_Rsmp3e04c7a1        
> c01dc775  best_copy_to_user_Rsmp229e4d53  
> c01dc83f  best_copy_from_user_Rsmpe183bad0
> c01dc909  __best_copy_to_user_Rsmp89bb9da6
> c01dc99c  __best_copy_from_user_Rsmp0e9bd6d9
> strange-ways:/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0smp#
> I'm using kth-krb 1.0.2 and arla 0.34.5 (I've tried 0.33.1, and most of
> the other 0.34.x dists).  When I configured arla, I ran './configure
> --with-krb4=/usr/athena --enable-smp'.
> Any ideas?

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