Installing Arla

Mitch Collinsworth mitch at
Wed Nov 29 18:57:05 CET 2000

This seems to be becoming a FAQ.  I asked essentially the same question
last month.  The answer, which worked for me, was: don't bother with
'arlad -t'.  Just run bin/startarla.


On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Mahir Aydin wrote:

> Hi again after a longish break.
> I am trying to install arla 0.34.6 into my redhat linux 6.2 (2.2.14-5)
> system
> After doing a standard gnome workstation install (choosing packages
> individually takes too much time :)) I uninstalled everything that had krb5
> in their name along with some applications that depended on it such as
> fetchmail, cvs, etc...
> Then I got the arla and the kth-krb sources from the web-site (last week)
> and installed arla and kth-krb
> they are both standard installs, except I configured arla with pthreads
> But I can't get it to work....
> I know the AFS cell and the servers and added them to CellServDB and
> ThisCell files.
> But when I run arlad -tz it says error getting ticket file (tf_util) and
> cannot connect to any servers
> I can ping those afs servers so it's not a connection problem.
> Can you tell me how to configure kerberos and how arla and kerberos are
> related?
> thanks.

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