AFSDB lookups w/ djb's dnscache

Nickolai Zeldovich kolya at
Sun Nov 26 17:52:52 CET 2000

> Can you try it out from the cvs-tree ?

Sorry for the long delay; the new AFSDB code in the CVS version
of arlad seems to work fine with djb's dnscache.

Probably unrelated to dnscache, it does complain about not being
able to write to the CellServDB when I access a cell that's not
in CellServDB but has an AFSDB record:

  2000-11-26 16:46:35: arlad: Cannot open CellServDB for writing

(in this case, the machine is homed in a cell not in CellServDB,
and arlad writes that cell to /usr/arla/etc/CellServDB, but trying
to access another AFSDB-configured cell gives the above error.)

-- kolya

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