File disappears mysteriously

Love lha at
Sat Nov 25 05:36:47 CET 2000

sperber at (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:

> Love> Note that the two last numbers in the fid should match the number
> Love> (9626.215976) from afsdir_check.
> They don't.  (Unfortunately, I crashed my X just before cutting and
> pasting the exact data, but that much I saw.)

Ok, then a callback is somehow defered. It might have been fixed in current
code since we mark the node stale instead of trying to thow the data away
when its in use.

It just occured to me that it might not really do the right thing on

By they way, you shouldn't have you .Xauthority file in your homedirectory
unless you have `crypt' level rx connection(fs setcrypt on/fs getcrypt).
This is this other wise your cookies will go unencrypted over the network.

Crypt isn't default since none as far as I know have done a proper study
what happens to the fileserver if all client uses crypt. I should probably
ask one of the local arla users to turn it on for their workstations and
see what happens to the servers.


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