getting tokens for a remote cell

Dr A V Le Blanc LeBlanc at
Sat Mar 18 12:16:08 CET 2000

On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 04:13:31PM +0100, Per Boussard wrote:
> What if you, on a Transarc client, say klog.krb -c and then
> look at the issue-date using klist. What does it say? Is there any
> evidence of timeskew of some kind? Can you say afslog with that krbtgt and
> get it to work?
> This is really strange. If you use snoop/tcpdump to see which server it
> talks to in the two cases (arla vs Transarc client). Does that differ?
> I can't think of anything but timeskew that could cause this...

I happy (or sorry) to report that the glitch no longer exists here.
That is, arla's klog works perfectly on the remote cell.  As our clock
has not changed, it may be that transarc's has, but that is not likely.
Another possibility is that the problem was caused by some irregularity
in our local network, perhaps?

Anyway, thanks to you all, and particularly to Per Boussard for his patient
help with this problem.  We still don't know what caused it, but at least
it's gone for the moment!

     -- Owen
     LeBlanc at

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