who is the bos?

Love lha at stacken.kth.se
Mon Jul 17 23:42:01 CEST 2000

Leif Johansson <leifj at it.su.se> writes:

> milko/bos/bosserver does not set mtype->path in read_config_file which
> means that I either misread the source and wrote my bos.conf all wrong
> or a state- ment much like the following is missing:

The bos-server isn't quite ready for use.
> I set up a small cell and ran the tests. Only managed to crash the
> server a couple of times. Once it dumped core on what seemed like a
> memory allocation bug (SIGSEV on free) and once in lib/ropa/ropa.c in
> clients_hash_ip which suggests that it tried to hash a bad or NULL
> ropa_addr. I will try to reproduce and send more info unless you guys
> have already fixed this in the cvs tree.

There have been some fixes to ropa. Not quite stable yet. But for one
client it seems to work.
> Also you should probably say something in the milko/README about how
> to setup your first cell -- unless you have a cell in place when you
> start arla, arlad won't start (since there is no root.afs) and your
> afslog doesn't take which means that you can't get on with setting up
> your cell... Starting arlad with --dynroot took care of that problem
> for me.

 2. CellServDB and ThisCell

    Add your cell to $PREFIX/etc/CellServDB and make it the default
    cell by adding to to $PREFIX/etc/ThisCell.
 5. Add root.afs to vldb
 6. Create volume root.afs on disk

This mean that /afs will be a empty catalog.


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