
Love lha at
Wed Jan 26 15:03:29 CET 2000

Camelia Botez <camelia at> writes:

> I tried startarla like root and nothing happend after I got back the
> prompt.

Here the it should have started. When there are no errors its don't say

> Running once again startarla I got the following messages:
> mount:arla already mounted or /afs busy
> mount:according to mtab,arla is already mounted on /afs 
> but under /afs I don't have anything.

If you type mount here will you get any a row like

   arla on /afs type xfs (rw)

> How shall I run arlad to get /afs/XXXXX   filesystems from users from cern

After running startarla the first time and if you don't get anything under
/afs, try to kill the already existing arlad, and then (as root) start
arlad with the flags ``-z -n --debug=almostall'', then you'll get a lot of
debugging output that might give you a clue what's wrong.


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