psychology of version numbers

Harald Barth haba at
Tue Feb 8 11:31:29 CET 2000

> For all I know, there might be such severe problems on
> other platforms that it's reasonable to stick with the "0.x"
> numbering for now.

Other platforms still have stability and functionality problems which
do not justify a 1.X number. Even under the Linux platform, the
releases are in different (and often not predicted) shape. In respect
of Linux 0.29.2 turned out to be stable, 0.30 with some new features
and internal changes not quite so. When the stability of the releases
gets more predictable, we'll eventually move towards 1.X, but the
expectations that users often get when downloadning such software
may not be met. So to set a signal "you should not be offended if
it core dumps on you" the numbers will still be 0.X for some time
into the future. 


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