setpag (klog is broken, I know)

Christopher Allen Wing wingc at
Tue Feb 8 03:21:36 CET 2000


klog has been broken in the last few Arla releases. I haven't gotten
around to submitting the necessary patches to fix it.

Basically, the 'getarg' parser in the Arla code does not do everything
that klog needs. I am very busy at the moment and when I get some free
time, I need to negotiate with the main Arla developers to decide what
changes need to be made.

In the mean time, apply this patch to your Arla source code, rebuild, and
klog should work properly.

-Chris Wing
wingc at

> Using the snapshot from the 4th on Linux/AXP.. what am I doing wrong here? 
> [cohentl at lizard cohentl]$ klog felixc -setpag
> Usage: klog [-principal <principal>] [-password <password>] [-servers
> <servers>]... [-lifetime <hh:mm:ss>] [-pipe] [-setpag <seconds>] [-setpag]
> [-silent] [-tmp] [-cell <cell>] [-help] [-version]

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