CellServDB/Club and others

Magnus Ahltorp ahltorp at nada.kth.se
Wed Aug 30 18:54:26 CEST 2000

> In the long run though, it might be best to work out a scheme to
> auto-magically update when preparing releases, though there are
> numerous other possible solutions that you might deem more suitable.

If you use DNS AFSDB records, everything will work automatically when
using arla, and club.cc.cmu.edu does that:

club.cc.cmu.edu.        86400   AFSDB   1 yttrium.club.cc.cmu.edu.
club.cc.cmu.edu.        86400   AFSDB   1 zirconium.club.cc.cmu.edu.

As far as I can see, everything should work fine.


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