arlad configuration mc at
Fri Aug 11 12:49:32 CEST 2000

Love <lha at> writes:

> ``afslog -c'' should do it.

Got it. Now klist -T lists:

AFS tokens:
Aug 11 12:44:16  Aug 11 20:29:15  User's (AFS ID 1000) tokens for

I still can't write anything to my Stacken home directory,
though. What's this about AFS ID 1000? If I login to a local machine
at Stacken, I get AFS ID 18476. It seems it takes the ID from the
local /etc/passwd. Does this matter?

> kauth (in kth-krb) should read your ThisCell and get you tokens for
> that cell.

That's what I use. I'll trace kauth and check that it got all the
paths right and actually finds ThisCell.

Baron Rev. Dr. Georg Mikael "MC" von Cardell, Scientific Goth
Temple of the Moby Hack
!sirE laiH

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