arlad configuration

Love lha at
Thu Aug 10 03:12:47 CEST 2000

mc at writes:

> I snarfed arla 0.34.1 and the latest kth-krb. I compiled them on
> Debian GNU/Linux systems with a 2.2.16 kernel and glibc 2.1 running on
> Intel.

Debian, that triggers the first question, do you run the same kernel as the
headerfiler are in /usr/include/linux/*. Just have to ask, been bitten by
if too many times.
> I read through some manuals and filled in /etc/krb.conf like this:
>   STACKEN.KTH.SE admin server
> and krb.realms like this:
> Yes, I do have an account at Stacken. I got a bit confused about what
> to keep in krb.conf since the FAQ seemed to say I should list the AFS
> servers. Just to check I tried to use the three servers listed in
> CellServDB for, but that only made my principal
> unknown.

If the cell has the same name as the REALM, that should be not be needed.
> If I load the xfs module, start arlad and try to mount /afs with
>   mount -t xfs arla /afs
> it just hangs there.

Since it will talk to the afs-servers to fetch the rootvolume.
> I I start arlad with -t, I get:
>   /usr/arla/bin/arlad -t
>   hipri was 3 actually 0
>   hipri was 3 actually 1
>   hipri was 3 actually 1
>   hipri was 3 actually 1
>   hipri was 3 actually 1

Did you build with pthread support or with lwp ? (--with-pthreads ?)

> I figured it all had something to do with the machine hiding on a
> local network behind a NAT, so I tried it on a clean, non-firewalled
> connection, but I got the same results.

NAT will work somewhat depending on our NAT. NAT is evil, but in this case
I think the fault is arla's.
> I tried a simple
>   dingo:~ $ cd /afs/
> and it blocked.

It wont work until the communicaition stuff is cleared out and working good.
> and my tcpdump showed UDP traffic from my host to
>, but nothing coming back.

That's really weird. You have a modern tcpdump ( (like 3.5)
that will unpack your afs-packets and print them in a readable form ? That
might help you a bit.

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