Narrowing down the problem

Harald Barth haba at
Tue Aug 8 00:32:54 CEST 2000

> depending on what I type next to ./kauth, the output changes like:
> 's Password: K.IBM.COM

This is kauth doing the wrong thing or your terminal doing the wrong
thing. Try to give your username and realm as args to kauth which
should look something like:

./kauth -d -n maydin at APD.POK.IBM.COM
maydin at APD.POK.IBM.COM's Password: 
lrealm is APD.POK.IBM.COM
(and a lot of debug stuff which might be interesting)

my previous config> APD.POK.IBM.COM
my previous config> APD.POK.IBM.COM

or without the :88. Depends on what port your kerberos server
is answering the krb4 protocol, I really don't know that :-)


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