weirdo bug

Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor] sperber at
Mon Apr 3 15:05:37 CEST 2000

>>>>> "Assar" == Assar Westerlund <assar at> writes:

Assar> sperber at (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
>> No, the problem's still there.
>> This seems related to mmap somehow: My co-workers sees this with
>> install, I see it with XEmacs's unexelf.c, both of which use mmap to
>> write the output files.

Assar> This is weird.  When I try dumping in Emacs 20.6, it works all right
Assar> without the patch and when I verify the file by reading it from
Assar> another client it's totally correct.  Could it be that XEmacs does
Assar> dumping somewhat differently?  If you can find out a trace of the
Assar> system calls taking place when doing this, that would help.

I'll try to do that.  As far as I know, XEmacs's unexelf.c is
identical to FSFmacs's.  However, my co-worker reports the problem
with the install'ed *copy* of the dumped Emacs, not with the dumped
executable itself.

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla

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