empty files on sparc 64

Tobias Grundmann grundman at Informatik.Uni-Tuebingen.De
Mon Sep 13 12:11:10 CEST 1999

just tested the cvs version of arla from this morning on my sparc ultra 5 
running debian 2.1. Most things seem to work but some files are empty. If I 
cat them there is nothing:

<0> iterator(cake) %ls -l /afs/wsi/ti/sysadmin/afs/afsclients
-rwx------   1 5033     5010          664 Aug  2  1995 
<0> iterator(cake) %cat /afs/wsi/ti/sysadmin/afs/afsclients
<0> iterator(cake) %

The file is in the cache:
<0> iterator(ROOT) %cat 00/22
#!/bin/ksh -

Any hints? (Some files in the same dir are readable)


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