location of cache dir

Lyle Seaman LSeaman at stormsystems.com
Fri Mar 19 19:06:45 CET 1999

> Although 
> transarc may
> use /usr/vice (and
> this usage is old and not up to modern standards), 

There never was a good reason for that,
we just didn't get up the nerve to change it.  

> you will note that
> transarc *always* puts
> /usr/vice into its own partition (and thier manuals warn of 
> grave dangers
> if this is not done).

that's because the cache manager could not recover gracefully from out of
space conditions in the cache (which became less and less true over the
years, and may be completely false now, but intertia is powerful).  So if
you allocated 80 MB for cache, but only have 20 MB free, your files could be

If arla can cope with the out of space condition, then the only reason to
put the cache on any particular partition would be for the purposes of
minimizing disk head movement.  IOW, you might want cache, temp, and swap to
be on different disks.  

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