arla under FreeBSD 3.1-stable koziol at
Sat Mar 13 01:58:28 CET 1999

    I've [finally.. :-)] managed to coax the latest snapshot of arla to build
correctly on my FreeBSD 3.1-STABLE machine.  All was going well until I tried
to execute the modload command given in the INSTALL file (tweaked to /usr/local/
arla/ from /usr/arla):
    modload -e xfs_mod -o /var/tmp/symbols -p /usr/local/arla/bin/xfs_makedev -v /usr/local/arla/bin/xfs_mod.o

    Now modload is complaining thusly:
        ld: /kernel: malformed input file (not rel or archive)
        modload: /usr/bin/ld: return code 1

    What sort of option do I need to compile my kernel with to allow this to
succeed?  I've been trying to get arla to work for a long time now, can someone
please help me with these final steps?

        Quincey Koziol
        koziol at

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