bug report

Magnus Ahltorp map at stacken.kth.se
Tue Jul 13 11:53:41 CEST 1999

> 2) Problem found with Visual Slick Edit (http://www.slickedit.com). I
> tracked it down to their internal function 'absolute' that should return
> absolute path by given relative path. With ARLA it returns just last
> part of name, for example absolute("/afs/some/path") returns "path"
> while should return full path. With MIT client for 2.0.36 and Transark's
> client for 2.2.5 kernels it works well. I reported this problem to
> SlickEdit team as well.

Can you produce an strace of the program execution and put it on
ftp/http somewhere and post the pointer?

In what way is the absolute function implemented? I have tried to
locate some source code, but as far as I can see, slickedit is
something you pay for.


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