Chown problem with arla

Jim Nance jim_nance at
Fri Jan 8 22:26:29 CET 1999

Hello All,
    I am tracing down a problem that occurs when I
use the mv command to move a file from an NFS mounted
partition onto an AFS mounted partition.  This is with
the 12/28 snapshot, a Linux 2.2.0-pre5 kernel and
a redhat 5.2 system.  The debugger output shows what
is happening pretty well:

216       if (chown (dest, source_stats.st_uid, source_stats.st_gid)
(gdb) p errno
$9 = 18
(gdb) p errno=0
$10 = 0
(gdb) p chown (dest, source_stats.st_uid, source_stats.st_gid)
$11 = 1
(gdb) p errno
$12 = 0

Basically the chown system call is returning 1.  According to the man
page it can only return 0 or -1.
The mv command is getting confused by this.  The mv
command is changing the owner/group to the value that
they already have so I think the call should return 0.


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