ydr questions

Love lha at stacken.kth.se
Sun Feb 28 23:21:51 CET 1999

Derrick J Brashear <shadow at dementia.org> writes:

> a) Why does ydr #include <roken.h> in %.ydr.c, %.cs.c, and %.ss.c, and
> #include <arlad/fs_errors.h> in %.cs.c? (I haven't done much testing yet,
> but on Redhat Linux 4.2/sparc with all the other crap I have installed
> which makes it not really RH4.2 anymore, but which should not affect this,
> none of these inclusions are necessary.)

roken.h: Since there is many other operatingsystem out there
(ultrix,osf,solaris,irix,etc) that this will break on. We want it to build
on all OS.

arlad/fs_errors.h: to rewrite the errorcodes from the fileserver to outside
the range of errno's. Its not ydr that includes it, its in the .xg file.

> b) Given that ydr is (or should be, mostly aside from above) an rxgen
> replacement, and with the other stuff already being installed from Arla it
> could be useful as such, any reason not to install it?

Guess not, just that someone forgot to do it.


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