ydr questions

Derrick J Brashear shadow at dementia.org
Sun Feb 28 21:14:04 CET 1999

a) Why does ydr #include <roken.h> in %.ydr.c, %.cs.c, and %.ss.c, and
#include <arlad/fs_errors.h> in %.cs.c? (I haven't done much testing yet,
but on Redhat Linux 4.2/sparc with all the other crap I have installed
which makes it not really RH4.2 anymore, but which should not affect this,
none of these inclusions are necessary.)

b) Given that ydr is (or should be, mostly aside from above) an rxgen
replacement, and with the other stuff already being installed from Arla it
could be useful as such, any reason not to install it?


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